Fire and Flood Restoration Expert
As Vice President and General Manager of Minkoff Company, Inc, Mr. Gross has overseen the region’s largest residential and light commercial insurance restoration company. Mr. Gross has held his position for 15 years. During that time, he has directly overseen the estimating and production of over fifteen thousand engagements valued in excess of three hundred million dollars. Individual engagements have ranged in size from a few thousand dollars to over five million dollars. The focus of Mr. Gross’s expertise is residential and light commercial construction.
Mr. Gross has been a paid consultant and speaker to many insurance carriers and property management organizations on topics including loss prevention, loss evaluation and the assessment of overall building conditions. He is well versed on structural repair and rehabilitation practices, contracting procedures, finish values, construction specifications and AIA contract documentation.
Mr. Gross also maintains a cabinet shop as a hobby and adjunct to his business. He specializes in historic reproductions of building details, millwork, and period furniture.
Mr. Gross has been a qualified in court as an expert in the fields of construction estimating, construction production methods and construction valuation in Maryland , Virginia , and the District of Columbia .