Steve’s Blog March 13th

I’m spending some time in Colorado this month and it got me thinking about skiwear. If ski season is over for you, think about the care and cleaning your gear will need at season end.

When you bought your ski jacket and warm-ups, did you think about getting clothing that can be washed and drycleaned? The fact is, stains come in all varieties; basic dirt and soil, grease, food spills, salt stains … and one care process doesn't always remove the different types of stains. 

So, what's the story? Many ski garments are made with fabrics that cannot be drycleaned, and just as many cannot be washed. However, removing grease from gear that can only be washed can be a challenge. You will need to pre-treat it with something that can lubricate and loosen the stains before it hits the washer, such as Spray & Wash or dishwashing detergent. I suggest reading the care label and, if it allows washing, use a mixture of clear, liquid dishwashing detergent mixed with 5 parts water.

Dishwashing detergent removes grease and gravies from your plates and bowls, so it stands to reason that it will also help remove grease from washable clothing. Always test the mixture in a small area to make sure that it does not affect the fabric and dyes.

Conversely, some water-based stains such as drink spills and basic ground-in dirt — on the cuffs, collars and front, does not always respond to drycleaning. The good news is that your drycleaner is probably equipped to wash and dryclean, as the care label dictates. Most people don't know that qualified drycleaners can pre-treat, spot, water repel, wash and dryclean, as needed. Get your ski gear into the cleaner as soon as the season's over and point out all the stains and repairs, so it's ready for next year.

I'm glad to report that Spring skiing in Colorado is fabulous and I am looking forward to some late-season “shushing.” Hope to see you out there!


The Clothing Doctor